Villa Picta

Paolo is thirty years old, and he wants to smash the world.

Villa Picta

The most metal vigneron in existence: this is Paolo 🤘. Only a crazy person like him could have won the Lambrusco battle.

If we have to describe him with two words: "unbridled enthusiasm."

His first harvest is dated 2015, and he has come a long way since, against anyone and everything. "Making Lambrusco wasn't easy, and it did not have the greatest reputation compared to other wines." That was the first thing he said to us, and he was not wrong, but he knew that Lambrusco was, and is unique. It simply does not exist anywhere in the world if not in Emilia Romagna and Lombardia.

We are in Villimpenta (Mantova province). Paolo started his journey because he was passionate about the vineyard. He loves to understand how to make each plant give its best. Everything from cultivation to pruning is carefully studied. In the cellar, he tries to do as little as possible since most of the job is done already in the fields. Kind of like in school: if you follow along the whole year, the final exam will go well.

Apart from his Lambrusco, other very interesting wines are made at Villa Picta. Paolo speaks about territory, not grape varieties, and we can find many experiments with different varieties. 

Paolo is thirty years old, and he wants to smash the world.

Grab a bottle or two of Villa Picta

Drink like a king spend like a farmer!
Lambrusco 2020 - Corkin
Sognare Sognare - Corkin
Melampo 2020 - Corkin
Sold Out
Lambrusco 2018 - Corkin
Sold Out
Melampo 2021 - Corkin
Terra - Corkin

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