Slovenija. Meeting another Marko: Marko Fon! - Corkin

Slovenija. Meeting another Marko: Marko Fon!

Dec 29, 2023

Driving through with the car, you quickly realize that rocks dominate here. The terrain is a mix of 25 types of rock (as indicated on the map). It's incredible how vines can thrive in such rugged areas. Marko paid a visit to another Marko, someone much more famous—Marko Fon 😅.

He had been told that he was a peculiar person, not open to many, very reserved, and gruff... Our Marko has a motto: "never listen to anyone" (which can be right or wrong).

He met someone with a unique sensitivity. What a beautiful visit! Oh, and how good the wines were damn! Cheers!