Getting to Calabria isn’t easy for Marko, for various reasons. Distance: it’s very far from Torino (more than 1000 km). Connections: Calabria is not very well connected; public transport isn’t great. Logistics: he doesn’t have a car, so he can’t drive either.
If you need to get to Cirò Marina (in Calabria), the situation becomes even more difficult 😅 BUT THERE’S FLIXBUS!!! After a night spent on the bus with his friend Antonio (ostesenzaosteria on Instagram), they finally arrived. The wines from this area have always fascinated us. Gaglioppo has some similarities with our beloved Nebbiolo—very tannic, dark, somber, yet extremely elegant. These wines are very introverted and hard to understand when young, but give them time.
Avita, Calabretta, and Sergio Arcuri are our favorite wineries.