Crazy tour of Italy in 12 days - Corkin

Crazy tour of Italy in 12 days

Sep 01, 2023

John, a client of Marko (remember he has a company called Nomad Wine Guy?), came all the way from California to do a "small" tour together. 😎

It was an incredible 12-day journey from North to South and from East to West: Lombardia (Valtellina), eastern hills of Friuli, Veneto (Valpolicella, Conegliano), Sardegna, Sicilia, Piemonte (Barolo), Campania (Napoli).

There's so much to share, but we're eager to give you a few specific recommendations.

There's no vineyard visit more exciting than the one you can have with Siro from Terrazzi Alti in Valtellina. If you find yourself in Verona, YOU MUST dine at Trattoria del Pompiere. In southern Sardinia, there's a small producer named Enrico Esu; you have to discover how good Carignano is. In the Barolo region, Marko's favorite restaurant is Repubblica di Perno. And, by all means, treat yourself to a pizza in Naples at...